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Anunt important de la Fundatia Keshe 2012

Creat de aress1818, 03 Septembrie 2012, 01:10:09

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 1 Vizitator vizualizează acest subiect.


We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone.


Citat din: acme din  21 Septembrie 2012, 22:56:25
Cine finanteaza fundatia?

Cautand cartile in format electronic ale domnului in cauza, am gasit asta, :

Keshe Power Generator

pe scurt, poti sa dai comanda de un generator  :lol:


Oricum raman sceptic si in acelasi timp interesat de ce urmeaza sa se intample in legatura cu organizatia keshe. Keshe 5 Flight and Creation of Light in "tutorialele" astea explica cum ca el, cumva, fractalizeaza putina materie si ii extinde limitele atomului. Deci daca atomul ar fi un balon si e putin umflat ca asa e starea lui in natura, el ii face ceva il umfla pana ce limitele lui ies inafara aparatului sub forba de plasma si lumineaza + ca aparatul incepe sa aiba propria lui gravitatie si camp magnetic. Deasemenea a facut multe experimente printre care si ceva asemanator experimentului Miller/Urey http://www.chem.duke.edu/~jds/cruise_chem/Exobiology/miller.html in care poti crea aminoacizi din substante simple. doar ca el a reusit sa le faca din nimic. Plus tot felul de aclamari nedemonstrate inca.. Eram curios si cu lanterna aia fara baterie ce a prezentato el.
Eu as putea sa merg sa ii prezint geometric si matematic un model de neutron si cum evolueaza si se transforma in atom.
Daca eliberezi un neutron in spatiu, in aproximativ 700 de secunde se transforma intr-un atom adica scapa ceva (electron) ce se va invarti in jurul la nucleu (proton). Deasemenea neutronul care se afla in nuclee in alti atomi de elemente mai grele, este intr-o stare comprimata si pusa intr-un ciorchine langa protoni si alti neutroni.De aceea elementele cu nucleul mai numeros in protoni si neutroni nu sunt neaparat mai grele sau au volum mai mare. Ex: Uranium. http://www.btinternet.com/~j.doyle/SR/Emc2/fission_u235-decay2.gif
dupa fiziune, deoarece omul joaca biliard si arunca un neutron lovind nucleul atomului de uranium se rupe ciorchinele si se imparte in bariu si kripton si elibereaza alti 3 neutroni (potentiali pt cei mai simpli atomi) , deasemenea caldura care incalzeste apa ce e pusa in reactor folosita sa se creeze energie. Deci in prezent intr-o instalatie atomica de generare a electricitatii, se foloseste fisiunea doar pentru a fierbe apa necesara pentru a pune in miscare turbine/generatoare de energie. E acelasi lucru ca si cum ai pune carbune pe foc sa incalzesti apa pentru generatoare.


Deasemenea el spune ca materia este un rezultat al interactiunii dintre campul magnetic si campul gravitational, care in principiu e tot una, venind din centrul a ce numim noi atom. Cumva universul se ingheaga la nivel microscopic metoda fiind foarte simpla la acel nivel atomic, cum il numim noi, dar lucrurile minuscule combinandu-se, procesul incepe sa fie foarte complex pentru mintile noastre cand se ajunge la marimi macroscopice, dar fascinante si nu imposibile de inteles.


Mai zice si de constiinta, caci noi suntem cumva aceeasi fiinta/persoana, doar ca prin toate vartejele astea, cumva s-a separat acea constiinta si se vede pe ea insusi pe multe nivele..un nivel am fi noi aici pe pamant sau un set de nivele*, uitandu-ne unii la altii, stand fata in fata la un "pahar de vorba" si incercand sa ne dam seama: "Ce naiba facem noi aici? Ce suntem?". etc. Ideea e ca poti asimila cumva mai multa constiinta, adica sa devii mai constient de unde te aflii in univers, cel putin in proximitatea ta ca individ.


tocmai am citit un comment random de pe net: "MAGNETISM for many people is still a big secret, which has now been solved at the Institute for Space Quantum Physics & Research ISQP / ISQR in SWITZERLAND with an amazing DISCOVERY. MAGNETISM is a radial CIRCLE FLOW or VORTEX FLOW from DARK MATTER around the LONGITUDINAL AXIS on PERMANENT or ELECTRO MAGNETS. The previous IMAGE of the MAGNETIC "FIELD" with the VECTOR ARROWS from NORTH to SOUTH POLE is incorrect and misleading. See the new IMAGE from MAGNETISM: under ISQP/ISQR - INSTITUTE"

pe scurt o institutie din Elvetia a descoperit faptul ca magnetismul este o miscare circulara si/sau vortexiala a materiei negre de-a lungul axei a magnetilor permanenti sau electromagnetilor.


Si, am vorbit cu John Iwaszko, omul care a experimentat astea in perioada 1991-1996 filmat cu camera VHS (printre altele, un bec suspendat magnetic in aer si aprins prin inductie)
"Antigravity" method 10b of 15 Electromagnetic suspension with feedback Group IIIA

^ Sa dati la minutul 7

si mi-a scris asta:

"Hi Burcea, Thanks for the info, I agree with most of what Keshe says, accept that I have a far easier explanation, that I should write a paper on, that starts with electrons, protons and neutrons! According to the unifying principle, yin changes into yang, and yang into yin as they attract one another. I began to see electrons spiralling and slowing to become protons and began to realise that when scientists began to observe and detect the charges or masses of atoms, the observed object depends on the observer, but the observer does not depend on the observed. The 'thought experiment' of Schrödinger's cat in Physics illustrates this, in quantum mechanics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that certain pairs of physical properties, like position and momentum, cannot both be known to arbitrary precision. That is, the more precisely one property is known, the less precisely the other can be known.
Therefore I began to entertain the idea that Protons are actually transformed electrons, the neutron is the intermediate stage between the inward and outward spirals that became atoms. When these inward and outward spirals reach a state of balance, we observe these as neutrons. The electron of very small mass that we detect transfers its motional energy, fast spin, little mass, negative charge, spirals towards its centre, to become all mass small spin, positive charge, the phase shift occurs so quickly, that our slooooow motion state of frame detects three phases as negative spin to become neutral to positive mass with little spin. When the electron is in between the negative and positive state, obviously we detect a neutral charge with mass as the proton mass of all spin or motional energy was converted into mass, which in my opinion is perfectly in keeping with Einstein's concept and equation for the determination of the mass defect. They are one and the same "the same cup" as Keshe says.

From Einstein's mass-energy equivalence formula E=mc2. Composite bodies such as an atomic nucleus are a compound of protons and neutrons that are held together by cohesive forces, possessing a mass-equivalent of the energy of formation/dissolution of the nucleus. Or even mass of protons and neutrons is converted in the energy of a spinning electron, of little mass. The difference in motion compensates for the difference in mass between particles at the periphery and those at the centre. In between the electron and the proton there are many other particles or energy spirals, also spiralling towards the centre, so the proton gains mass. We have made the mistake that by naming the proton, that it became a distinct entity that we could extract. The proton is not a single mass but a gathering of many tiny particles or spirals of energy. Likewise the electron is a spiral of many particles or energy spirals, moving and developing from one stage to the next.
The implication of this limiting case in science is that an investigation of the fundamental building blocks of the universe is futile unless one takes into consideration the role of consciousness. At the quantum level, the concept of a particle becomes blurred with the concept of a wave, or a probability wave, etc


sper ca ati auzit de "Dark Flow" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dark_flow , cum ca toate galaxiile observabile se deplaseaza intr-o anumita directie..nu se indeparteaza una de alta.


Legat de filmuletul de mai sus. Cautati pe net dupa levitron. Si sigur nu e inventia lor.


"The device that was later named Levitron was originally invented (c 1976) and patented (1983) by Vermont inventor Roy Harrigan. A Seattle entrepreneur, Bill Hones, came across the patent in the process of trying to develop a levitating magnet. Hones borrowed the prototype from Harrigan, analyzed its physics with help of his father, who worked at Los Alamos National Laboratory, then filed an "improvement patent" of his own.[4][5]"

Se gasesc de cumparat si la noi in Romania.
De exemplu:
(n-am nici o legatura cu siteurile; linkurile sunt doar asa de exemplu)

Iata un filmulet interesant:
Levitate any object up to 12 ounces with Levitron Revolution


Cel mai nou articol despre treaba asta + interviu de ieri:

"Se asteapta pentru a fi valabile in decembrie si se pot face precomenzi de generatoare de 5kw. Deasemenea, o demonstratie a tehnologiei de creeare a gravitatiei este programata la data de 14 decembrie. 3 astronauti din SUA care au participat la misiuni pe luna sunt asteptati sa participe la demonstratie."




We're born alone, we live alone, we die alone.


Citat din: acme din  10 Octombrie 2012, 21:59:18
Keshe o da pe politica:
Da, iraniano-belgianul chiar o da neelegant pe politica, acuzind printre altele "un grup de pedofili din guvernul celei mai mici natii europene" ca-i pune betze-n roate. Are poate dreptate, dar nu-l vad bine dac-o arde chiar la modul asta. :lol:

Pe de alta parte, sint curios de rezultatul primei lui demonstratii practice de AZI 26.11 din Olanda, ce va preceda inceperea vinzarilor efective de "generatoare de curent cu plasma" de 3-4 kW (5.000 $) sau 10 kW (20.000 $) - incepind cu 14 dec. a.c., dupa o alta mega-conferintza la care se zice c-ar veni si 3 astronauti americani, unul din ei fiind din ghilda "lunaticilor" :fullmoon: (cu doar o saptamina inainte de 21.12... hmmm). :roll:


Ramin oricum la parerea ca omu-i cam "lunecos", arogant si deseori superficial, dar evenimentele-n derulare imi vor schimba poate impresia.

P.S. Updates de pe forumul keshian: http://www.keshefoundation.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3148&start=20
Trăim pe-o planetă nebună - opriţi-o să mă cobor !!!