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Imagini splendide de pe luna ale lui John Lear

Creat de jackie28t, 21 Mai 2007, 22:30:46

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Cineva de pe forum tocmai m-a rugat sa postez fotografiile de pe luna ale lui John Lear
Deorece le studiasem putin in trecut gasindu-le pe forumul ATS si daca tot este cineva interesat de ele am sa le postez aici.
Mai jos voi posta doua citate ce cuprind primele posturi implicand acele fotografii avand mai multe detalii.Nu am timpul necesar acum pentru traduceri sau pentru mai multe amanunte dar voi lasa mai jos in original posturile lor pentru a se intelege despre ce este vorba.Puteti descarca acele fotografii splendide de pe linkurile de mai jos din acele citatele.
Poate ca cineva  dintre voi le vor gasi folositoare sau interesante.

Sursa: abovetopsecret.com forum

CitatOriginally posted by Springer
At long last, the FULL QUALITY, HUGE FILE SIZE, moon images John Lear had scanned into his computer by Bob Lazar many years ago are online here at AboveTopSecret.com, the NUMBER ONE destination on the web for the CIVIL discussion and collaborative research of EVERYTHING "Alternative".

From what John has told me and what I see in these files, this is a wide angle, original black and white NASA photograph split into 5 separate files when Bob Lazar scanned it.

Technical Data:

Four of them labeled Copernicus 1 through 4 are from Lunar Orbiter 2 H-162; Spacecraft Altitude 45.9 kilometers, camera tilt 69¢ª20¡¯; Frame Center Data: LAT: 5¢ª30¡¯N, LONG: 20¢ª00W, sun elevation 24¢ª40¡¯. Framelet Bearing: N86¢ª40¡¯W.

This first batch are the huge, best quality, full size images, if you have a dial up connection be prepared for a long download.


This next batch are the medium size version for a shorter download but still "good quality" image.


And finally we have a small size version for a speedy download.





Originally posted by johnlear
Springer, thanks for posting my photos.

The first 4 are separate scans of one photo Lunar Orbiter 2-162H. I ordered this photo many years ago from a NASA contractor, I forget which. When the package arrived it was a 16x20 inch negative. It took until a couple of years ago to find someone in Las Vegas that could print from a 16x20 negative. I had 2 prints made, one a 16x20 print and one 20x24 which is now on my den wall. I took the 16x20 over to Bob Lazars and he scanned it in 4 sections: no. 1 is top left, no. 2 is top right, no. 3 is bottom right and no. 4 is bottom left. No. 5 is a scan of Lunar Orbiter 5-155M.

The LO-2-162H has not been retouched as far as I can tell. LO-5-155 has been retouched which is obvious from others photos I have of 155. The other photo I am refering to is published in "Exploring the Moon Through Binoculars and Small Telescopes by Ernest H. Cherrington, Jr. published in Canada by the General Publishing Co. Toronto, copyright 1969, 1984. It is on page 230 I think but I will check.

LO-2-162H is an oblique photo of the north face of Copernicus looking north. I will post the technical data in the next couple of days. The Lunar Orbiter cameras were launched in 1965-1966 and 1967. There were 5 Orbiters. They sent back thousands of crystal clear photos of the moon. As I mentioned most of these photos have been retouched. Through some quirk of fate I not only received on that wasn't retouched but received the actual negative.

Of course with the talent available at ATS its possible we will find out a lot more about these photos. I am going to wait for a while to tell you the specific area I think was retouched so that I don't 'front load' the information.


Deoarede tocmai am vrut sa fac cateva mici modificari si adaugari in postul meu de mai sus dar la care din pacate timpul de modificare trecuse,sunt nevoit sa adaug din nou inca un citat al lui John Lear pentru a lasa mai multe informatii referitor la acele fotografii.

Cineva a-l intrebase pe John Lear
CitatThose photos are amazing it makes you feel like your there.
Have these photos ever been seen before?

Raspunsul lui a fost:

Originally posted by johnlear
These photos have always been available to the public but they are not well publicized by NASA. These extremely clear photos were used in the Lunar Lander simulator to simulate as close as possible what the astronauts would be seeing on the ground where they were going to land. That is why Neil Armstrongs story about the 'boulders' and how 'surprised' they were to come upon a field of 'boulders' which they had to 'overfly' is not very believable. In others, in over 500 simulated landings Armstrong and Aldrin never saw that 'field of boulders'?

Of course, the real story, as many of us know is that there were 2 saucers on the ground in the primary landing area and that is why they had to overfly and find someplace else to land. And we all thought it was great of Neil to bring the subject up on his '60 Minutes' interview when he really didn't have to.