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Criss Angel... inger sau demon?

Creat de dani_14, 31 Mai 2007, 15:01:08

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Ce credeti despre Criss Angel

e inger
e demon
e un simplu om cu puteri paranormale
e un simplu iluzionist


Criss Angel este omul ale carui trucuri nu pot fi explicate . Intre ele se afla levitatia , telekineza , magia VODOO , teleportari , mers pe pereti sau mersul pe apa .
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sBQLq2VmZcA (Criss Angel Walks on Water)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYCYH-snnZY (Criss Angel gets skewerd)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r0BukAy_dko (Criss Angel And Half A Woman)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n3f-WPrKnRU (criss angel walk through glass)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZlIwcVAxZsU (Criss Angel - Levitates From Building to Building)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IpjHZniw184 (Criss Angel Mindfreak - Needles)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T5tbVMdM9TM (Criss Angel)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y7ivSzwMbS8 (Criss Angel Butterfly Tattoo)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yQS_4EhR3Rs (Criss angel walks up a wall)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0keGHHtum8 (Criss Angel cigarette)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hbJiMhxU4M (Criss Angel Card Trick with Ice Cube)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRR30Tll6wY (Criss Angel - Makes Girl Vanish)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xsOT1JNppY (Criss Angel tricks police)
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O3BRjh2zg9I (Criss Angel Mirror Tricks)


E profesionist. Mie îmi place cã americanii cred tot ce vãd  :roll: . Aºa se explicã multe ...
Probabil, toate scenele sunt fãcute cu ajutorul celor care apar în filmele astea.


  nu pot vota pentru ca nu se incadreaza niciunui punct...este pun si simplu un bun prestidigitator si in rest prezinta bune numere de magie...isi face bine meseria...ATIT !!! :lol:
Cei care; ziua dorm si noaptea se odihnesc, cand oare mai au curiozitatea sa vada cum este sa fii trezit la "realitate" ?


Bine spus  ''lylyt_ice''
Criss Angel nu face altceva decat numere de Magie,trucuri,iluzionism si levitatie.
Efectiv este un bun magician mai direct un showman.Nimic paranormal sau puteri supranaturale.  :-D
Pe websitul meu parca facusem in trecut o pagina cu cateva filme cu trucuri facute de el.Cei drept el are cateva SHOW'uri foarte reusite.
Vezi aici: http://pic1.piczo.com/valuca/?g=27186617


am modificat putin sondajul. poate parerea voastra se regaseste acum in el:D:)



Da. Este un iluzionist--se joaca cu mintile oamenilor.
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee

Marius MMG

Citat din: jackie28t din  31 Mai 2007, 17:35:28
Bine spus  ''lylyt_ice''
Criss Angel nu face altceva decat numere de Magie,trucuri,iluzionism si levitatie.
Efectiv este un bun magician mai direct un showman.Nimic paranormal sau puteri supranaturale.  :-D
Pe websitul meu parca facusem in trecut o pagina cu cateva filme cu trucuri facute de el.Cei drept el are cateva SHOW'uri foarte reusite.
Vezi aici: http://pic1.piczo.com/valuca/?g=27186617

Vorbiti de levitatie de parca ati vazut asta pe toate drumurile. Cati dintre voi ati reusit sa va ridicati de la nivelul solului macar 1 cm?


 Marius MMG ,Ce faci acum???Te cuntrazici singur???Si inca in aceeas fraza???Tocmai asta e... nu vezi pe toate drumurila persoane care leviteaza...dar tipy cum este acest Criss ,sunt o multime . :-D
Cei care; ziua dorm si noaptea se odihnesc, cand oare mai au curiozitatea sa vada cum este sa fii trezit la "realitate" ?


Marius MMG. Pentru a TREIA oara. nu mai scrie mesaje colorate. La urmatoarea abatere iti sterg postul.

Cat despre 1 cm de care vorbeai, eu am reusit. Am si filme. E un truc bine realizat.
E doar un iluzionist. El zice despre el insusi ca e un fake. De ce il ridici in slavi?


Marius MMG

Citat din: Arckadii din  01 Iunie 2007, 17:28:30
Marius MMG. Pentru a TREIA oara. nu mai scrie mesaje colorate. La urmatoarea abatere iti sterg postul.

Cat despre 1 cm de care vorbeai, eu am reusit. Am si filme. E un truc bine realizat.
E doar un iluzionist. El zice despre el insusi ca e un fake. De ce il ridici in slavi?


salut, Nu mai scriu cu rosu. scuze. Arckadii, as vrea sa vad si eu filmul cu tine cand levitai... :evil:


are cineva o idee cum merge asta pe zid?
modificat pe calculator??? 
100% nu cred in ce face el, dar bravo lui ca a reusit

in ceea ce priveste mersul pe apa cred ca era un plastic foarte transparent si intrerupt pe alocuri unde treceau aia :)


Criss Angel
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Criss Angel

Criss Angel at the 2007 Scream Awards
Born Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos
December 19, 1967 (1967-12-19) (age 39)
East Meadow, New York, U.S.
Residence Paradise, Nevada (Luxor Hotel Presidential Suite), West Islip, New York
Occupation illusionist, musician, mentalist, hypnotist, stunt performer, actor
Spouse Joann Sarantakos (separated in 2006).
Website CrissAngel.com
Criss Angel (born Christopher Nicholas Sarantakos on December 19, 1967) is an American magician, musician, mentalist, hypnotist, escapologist, stunt performer, and actor. He is best known for starring in his own television show, Criss Angel Mindfreak.

Early life
Angel was born on December 19, 1967, raised in East Meadow, New York and is of Greek descent. Angel grew up loving music (playing drums, flute and accordion) and has always had an interest in magic. His parents are John Sarantakos and Dimitra Sarantakos. His mother hails from Mystra, Greece. He has two brothers, Costa and JD, as well as two cats, Minx and Hammie (short for Hamlet). One of Criss's biggest influences has been his father, who died from stomach cancer.[1]

According to his interview with Larry King before Halloween in 2007 he was an altar boy in the Greek Orthodox Church as he was growing up, and he still believes strongly in God.

Criss Angel first became interested in magic at the age of 6, when his Aunt Stella showed him a magic trick Two of his biggest magic influences are Harry Houdini and Aldo Richiardi. As a teenager, Angel performed at birthday parties, at night clubs, at home to entertain his family, and at private events.[2] Early in his magic career, magician James Randi designed Angel's professional business card

He played in an Industrial music band called AngelDust with friend Klayton Scott (Celldweller, Argyle Park) who produced, co-wrote and helped arrange the music for his show, Mindfreak.

Magic career
Angel performed World Of Illusion at Madison Square Garden in 1998. Criss then scored an off Broadway show titled "Criss Angel Mindfreak," which ran up until January 6, 2003 following a run of 600 performances at The World in The World Underground Theater in Times Square. He also starred in several television specials.

Criss Angel won the Academy of Magical Arts' Magician of the Year award in 2005 and the IMS Magician of the year in 2001 and 2004

He has even revealed the methods for many of his tricks to viewers at home on TV and in videos, although the effects revealed are usually very simple such as making a toothpick disappear, picking a pocket, or making a Styrofoam cup float. Angel discusses magic and his life in Mindfreak: Secret Revelations (published April 24, 2007), which became a Los Angeles Times best seller.

Angel is scheduled to appear in a new illusion-based Cirque du Soleil production at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas, and it is expected to open in August 2008 Angel has recently said that there are plans for this attraction to run for 10 years, including 4,600 shows with a possible 5 year renewal option of his contract. The show is a permanent Las Vegas show and will not be in any other city.

In July 2007, NBC signed Angel and Uri Geller for Phenomenon, a show airing on October 24 that searches for the next great mentalist Angel does not believe Geller has any paranormal abilities

On the Penn Jillette Radio show, hosted by another magician, Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller, Criss Angel stated that he does not have supernatural abilities, nor does he believe that anyone has supernatural abilities.

Criss Angel Mindfreak
Main article: Criss Angel Mindfreak
Criss Angel is the star and creator of the A&E Network show Criss Angel Mindfreak. Seasons 1 and 2 were filmed at the The Aladdin in Las Vegas, with Season 3 at the Luxor Hotel. Premiering on July 20, 2005, the illusions have included walking on water, levitating above the Luxor Hotel, floating between two buildings, causing a Lamborghini to disappear, surviving in an exploding C4 Crate, cutting himself in half in full view of an audience and getting run over by a steamroller while lying stomach down on a bed of glass Criss is scheduled to begin filming Season 4 of Mindfreak in October 2007, and the show is scheduled to run for two more seasons after that.

On a stunt in the third season, he attempted to jump out of a locked crate before an old muscle car ran in to it and exploded. Criss made it but landed on his neck and the show's production was stopped for two weeks while he recovered

Other projects
Angel was the featured guest star on CSI: NY on February 28, 2007 in an episode titled "Sleight Out of Hand" as a character named Luke Blade, a famous magician whose assistants die in unusual ways that are strangely related to the illusions he performs in the episode.  In the episode, he performed three illusions (being sawed in half, being set on fire, and a version of his "Submerged" illusion).

Angel's more notable television appearances include but are not limited to Las Vegas, The Oprah Winfrey Show, The Late Show with David Letterman, Late Night with Conan O'Brien, The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, as well as VH1's Rock Honors Awards performing and introducing legendary Honoree Ozzy Osbourne. In June 2007, Angel appeared on the cover of the DUB Magazine. He also appeared on CNN's Larry King Live on July 12, 2007 and October 30, 2007. On June 8, 2007, he stated on the Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson that Richiardi was one of his greatest influences.

Starting in October he appeared as a judge on "Phenomenon," and in a CNN interview about the show he told Larry King "no one has the ability, that I'm aware of, to do anything supernatural, psychic, talk to the dead. And that was what I said I was going to do with "Phenomenon." If somebody goes on that show and claims to have supernatural psychic ability, I'm going to bust them live and on television

Wikinews has related news:
Criss Angel challenges Uri Geller and Jim Callahan over paranormal claimsOn the October 31, 2007 episode of the reality show Phenomenon, Paranormalist Jim Callahan performed a summoning, purportedly of author Raymond Hill, to help discover the contents of a locked box.[12] Although fellow judge Uri Geller praised the performance, Angel called it "comical" and subsequently challenged both Callahan and Geller to guess the contents of two envelopes he pulled out of his pocket, offering a million dollars of his own money to whomever could do so. This led to an argument between Callahan and Angel, during which Callahan accused Angel of being an "ideological bigot", and after Angel rose from his chair and approached Callahan, the two were pulled apart as the show promptly went to a commercial break. Angel has since revealed the contents of one envelope and at the unveiling he challenged Geller one more time. Geller unsuccessful, and the envelope was revealed to contain a card with the numbers "911" printed on it for September 11, 2001. This was possibly a reference to psychics' inability to predict or assist in major historical events. The other envelope's contents will be revealed on the first episode of Season 4 of Criss Angel: Mindfreak

Criss has just signed for a film version of the depression-era comic strip Mandrake The Magician. Written by Lee Falk, the story centers on a magician with hypnotic powers and a penchant for fighting mad scientists and criminal king-pins. Angel has a deal with the Luxor Hotel for 4000 performances over the next ten years, so the movie career probably won't be more than a part-time occupation for him. Mandrake will start shooting later this year.

Criss has recently begun to appear on the popular comedy talk radio show Red Bar Radio, where he reads news segments. His segment is known as Mind Freak News, and is sponsored by A&E.

Viata e o piesa de teatru,ce trebuie jucata la maxim!Asa ca nu ezitati sa profitati de ea!


Citat din: Marius MMG din  01 Iunie 2007, 01:59:17
Vorbiti de levitatie de parca ati vazut asta pe toate drumurile. Cati dintre voi ati reusit sa va ridicati de la nivelul solului macar 1 cm?

totul e scamatorie...nu mai crede tot ceea ce vezi.
mai jos il ai chiar pe criss angel aratand cum face levitatia.



da pe asta oare cum o mai face :)


sunt doar curios , oricum eu unu nu cred ca zboara :D



uitati-va la sec 0: 57 si de la minutul 1 : 12 secunde sa vedeti ce se vede pe fundal in spatele lui  :ufo:
edit: chiar acum am gasit un filmulet in care se demonstreaza ca este doar un pacalici cum au fost toti....
