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CARET Files / California Drones 2007 (ex: Strange craft)

Creat de Unidentified, 21 Mai 2007, 21:19:12

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Totul a inceput cand cineva a trimis niste poze la C2C a unui obiect curios .
Sa recunoastem ca pozele sunt de o calitate rar intalnita :) ... Parerea mea personala este ca aceste poze si relatari sunt o teapa dar lumea tot insista ca sunt adevarate bla bla bla.
Mai multe informatii aici :


din pacate cred ca este vorba de putin photoshop pe acolo



Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Nu este neaparat Photoshop, ar putea fi si un obiect real, dar e 100% terestru.  Pentru cine nu recunoaste, inscriptiile de pe corpul aparatului sunt in japoneza.

Marius MMG

Citat din: Skywalker din  16 Iunie 2007, 18:28:46
Nu este neaparat Photoshop, ar putea fi si un obiect real, dar e 100% terestru.  Pentru cine nu recunoaste, inscriptiile de pe corpul aparatului sunt in japoneza.

Obiect reala care sa arate asa si sa mai si zboare nu cred... e pura fantezie.


Se pare ca aceste obiecte sunt destul de reale:
Here is the breif introduction. I'm using the alias Isaac, and used to work in what was called the CARET program in the 80's. During my time there, I worked with a lot of the technology that is clearly at work in the recent drone/strange craft sightings, most notably the "language" and diagrams seen on the underside of each craft. What follows is a lengthy letter about who I am, what I know, and what these sightings are (probably) all about.
The appearance of these photos has convinced me to release at least some of the numerous photographs and photocopied documents I still possess some 20 years later that can explain a great deal about these sightings. On this site you will find some of these. They are available as high resolution scans that I am giving away free, PROVIDED THEY ARE NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY AND ARE KEPT TOGETHER ALONG WITH THIS WRITTEN MATERIAL. (more)


Si eram curiosi ce inseamna caracterele care apar pe aceste obiecte... poftim:

The "Language"

I put the word Language in quotes because calling what I am about to describe a "language" is a misnomer, although it is an easy mistake to make.

Their hardware wasn't operated in quite the same way as ours. In our technology, even today, we have a combination of hardware and software running almost everything on the planet. Software is more abstract than hardware, but ultimately it needs hardware to run it. In other words, there's no way to write a computer program on a piece of paper, set that piece of paper on a table or something, and expect it to actually do something. The most powerful code in the world still doesn't actually do anything until a piece of hardware interprets it and translates its commands into actions.

But their technology is different. It really did operate like the magical piece of paper sitting on a table, in a manner of speaking. They had something akin to a language, that could quite literally execute itself, at least in the presence of a very specific type of field. The language, a term I am still using very loosely, is a system of symbols (which does admittedly very much resemble a written language) along with geometric forms and patterns that fit together to form diagrams that are themselves functional. Once they are drawn, so to speak, on a suitable surface made of a suitable material and in the presence of a certain type of field, they immediately begin performing the desired tasks. It really did seem like magic to us, even after we began to understand the principles behind it.

I worked with these symbols more than anything during my time at PACL, and recognized them the moment I saw them in the photos. They appear in a very simple form on Chad's craft, but appear in the more complex diagram form on the underside of the Big Basin craft as well. Both are unmistakable, even at the small size of the Big Basin photos. An example of a diagram in the style of the Big Basin craft is included with this in a series of scanned pages from the [mistitled] "Linguistic Analysis Primer". We needed a copy of that diagram to be utterly precise, and it took about a month for a team of six to copy that diagram into our drafting program!

Explaining everything I learned about this technology would fill up several volumes, but I will do my best to explain at least some of the concepts as long as I am taking the time to write all this down.

First of all, you wouldn't open up their hardware to find a CPU here, and a data bus there, and some kind of memory over there. Their hardware appeared to be perfectly solid and consistent in terms of material from one side to the other. Like a rock or a hunk of metal. But upon [much] closer inspection, we began to learn that it was actually one big holographic computational substrate - each "computational element" (essentially individual particles) can function independently, but are designed to function together in tremendously large clusters. I say its holographic because you can divide it up into the smallest chunks you want and still find a scaled-down but complete representation of the whole system. They produce a nonlinear computational output when grouped. So 4 elements working together is actually more than 4 times more powerful than 1. Most of the internal "matter" in their crafts (usually everything but the outermost housing) is actually this substrate and can contribute to computation at any time and in any state. The shape of these "chunks" of substrate also had a profound effect on its functionality, and often served as a "shortcut" to achieve a goal that might otherwise be more complex.

So back to the language. The language is actually a "functional blueprint". The forms of the shapes, symbols and arrangements thereof is itself functional. What makes it all especially difficult to grasp is that every element of each "diagram" is dependant on and related to every other element, which means no single detail can be created, removed or modified independently. Humans like written language because each element of the language can be understood on its own, and from this, complex expressions can be built. However, their "language" is entirely context-sensitive, which means that a given symbol could mean as little as a 1-bit flag in one context, or, quite literally, contain the entire human genome or a galaxy star map in another. The ability for a single, small symbol to contain, not just represent, tremendous amounts of data is another counter-intuitive aspect of this concept. We quickly realized that even working in groups of 10 or more on the simplest of diagrams, we found it virtually impossible to get anything done. As each new feature was added, the complexity of the diagram exponentially grew to unmanageable proportions. For this reason we began to develop computer-based systems to manage these details and achieved some success, although again we found that a threshold was quickly reached beyond which even the supercomputers of the day were unable to keep up. Word was that the extra-terrestrials could design these diagrams as quickly and easily as a human programmer could write a Fortran program. It's humbling to think that even a network of supercomputers wasn't able to duplicate what they could do in their own heads. Our entire system of language is based on the idea of assigning meaning to symbols. Their technology, however, somehow merges the symbol and the meaning, so a subjective audience is not needed. You can put whatever meaning you want on the symbols, but their behavior and functionality will not change, any more than a transistor will function differently if you give it another name.

Here's an example of how complex the process is. Imagine I ask you to incrementally add random words to a list such that no two words use any of the same letters, and you must perform this exercise entirely in your head, so you can't rely on a computer or even a pen and paper. If the first in the list was, say, "fox", the second item excludes all words with the letters F, O and X. If the next word you choose is "tree", then the third word in the list can't have the letters F, O, X, T, R, or E in it. As you can imagine, coming up with even a third word might start to get just a bit tricky, especially since you can't easily visualize the excluded letters by writing down the words. By the time you get to the fourth, fifth and sixth words, the problem has spiraled out of control. Now imagine trying to add the billionth word to the list (imagine also that we're working with an infinite alphabet so you don't run out of letters) and you can imagine how difficult it is for even a computer to keep up. Needless to say, writing this kind of thing "by hand" is orders of magnitude beyond the capabilities of the brain.

My background lent itself well to this kind of work though. I'd spent years writing code and designing both analog and digital circuits, a process that at least visually resembled these diagrams in some way. I also had a personal affinity for combinatorics, which served me well as I helped with the design of software running on supercomputers that could juggle the often trillions of rules necessary to create a valid diagram of any reasonable complexity. This overlapped quite a bit with compiler theory as well, a subject I always found fascinating, and in particular compiler optimization, a field that wasn't half of what it is today back then. A running joke among the linguistics team was that Big-O notation couldn't adequately describe the scale of the task, so we'd substitute other words for "big". By the time I left I remember the consensus was "Astronomical-O" finally did it justice.

Like I said, I could go on for hours about this subject, and would love to write at least an introductory book on the subject if it wasn't still completely classified, but that's not the point of this letter so I'll try to get back on track.

The last thing I'd like to discuss is how I got copies of this material, what else I have in my possession, and what I plan to do with it in the future.

A studia ºi a nu gândi este o risipã. A gândi ºi a nu studia este periculos.


Sa intrati neaparat pe site-ul lui ( http://isaaccaret.fortunecity.com/ ) ! Tipul pare foarte sincer.

Here is the breif introduction. I'm using the alias Isaac, and used to work in what was called the CARET program in the 80's. During my time there, I worked with a lot of the technology that is clearly at work in the recent drone/strange craft sightings, most notably the "language" and diagrams seen on the underside of each craft. What follows is a lengthy letter about who I am, what I know, and what these sightings are (probably) all about.

The appearance of these photos has convinced me to release at least some of the numerous photographs and photocopied documents I still possess some 20 years later that can explain a great deal about these sightings. On this site you will find some of these. They are available as high resolution scans that I am giving away free, PROVIDED THEY ARE NOT MODIFIED IN ANY WAY AND ARE KEPT TOGETHER ALONG WITH THIS WRITTEN MATERIAL.

I am also trying to get in touch with the witnesses so far, such as Chad, Rajman, Jenna, Ty, and the Lake Tahoe witness (especially Chad). I have advice for them that may be somewhat helpful in dealing with what they've seen and what I would recommend they do with what they know. If you are one of these witnesses, or can put me in touch with them, please contact Coast to Coast AM and let them know.

My Experience with the CARET Program and Extra-terrestrial Technology
Isaac, June 2007

This letter is part of a package I've assembled for Coast to Coast AM to distribute to its audience. It is a companion to numerous document and photo scans and should not be separated from them.

You can call me Isaac, an alias I've chosen as a simple measure of protection while I release what would be called tremendously sensitive information even by todays standards. "Sensitive" is not necessarily synonymous with "dangerous", though, which is why my conscience is clear as I offer this material up for the public. My government has its reasons for its continual secrecy, and I sympathize with many of them, but the truth is that I'm getting old and I'm not interested in meeting my maker one day with any more baggage than necessary! Furthermore, I put a little more faith in humanity than my former bosses do, and I think that a release of at least some of this info could help a lot more than it could hurt, especially in today's world.

I should be clear before I begin, as a final note: I am not interested in making myself vulnerable to the consequences of betraying the trust of my superiors and will not divulge any personal information that could determine my identity. However my intent is not to deceive, so information that I think is too risky to share will be simply left out rather than obfuscated in some way (aside from my alias, which I freely admit is not my real name). I would estimate that with the information contained in this letter, I could be narrowed down to one of maybe 30-50 people at best, so I feel reasonably secure.

Some Explanation for the Recent Sightings

For many years I've occasionally considered the release of at least some of the material I possess, but the recent wave of photos and sightings has prompted me to cut to the chase and do so now.

I should first be clear that I'm not directly familiar with any of the crafts seen in the photos in their entirety. I've never seen them in a hangar or worked on them myself or seen aliens zipping around in them. However, I have worked with and seen many of the parts visible in these crafts, some of which can be seen in the Q3-85 Inventory Review scan found at the top of this page. More importantly though, I'm very familiar with the "language" on their undersides seen clearly in photos by Chad and Rajman, and in another form in the Big Basin photos.
A studia ºi a nu gândi este o risipã. A gândi ºi a nu studia este periculos.


Asemanarea cu scrisul japonez este intr-adevar izbitioare, mai ales cu alfabetul katakana parte integranta a sistemului de scris japonez si utilizat frecvent in japoneza moderna.
am marcat cateva asemanari in desenul de mai jos.
tot ce se poate ca dispozitivele respective sa aiba intr-adevar o origine extraterestra, dar poate nici japonezii nu au o origine prea pamanteana nu? :-D


Eu cred ca acel asa spus OZN nu este altceva decat o jucarie de plastic ce contin si cateva litere si cifre in limba japoneza.
Mai bine spus limba ''Mandarin-language''
O jucarie fotografiata intr-un mod strategic de a da impresia de ceva mare.
Deocamdata asta cred despre acest caz dar posibil sa ma insel. :-D


O jucarie? Pai ce sistem de propulsie are? Made in Tawian, in USA, U.R.S.S (pardon Federatia Rusa) sau made in outer-space?
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


M-am referit la o jucarie de plastic chiar una mica adica miniatura.Uitate la sageata rosie din imaginea atasata.Parca e ceva legat cu un shurubel.Pare haios pentru a fi o nava cu o asa constructie facuta ca la jucariile pentru copii.
Am pus un cerculetz la imagine s-a se inteleaga mai bine la ce ma refer.Mi-e asa a-mi da impresia. :roll:


OK. Am inteles, dar ma gandesc ca poate fi un mecanism ce permite rotatia aripii in jurul axei desenate mai jos, adica pe directia (sus-jos).
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee


Obiectul  fotografiat nu este unul de mari dimensiuni , unul din martori afirmand :It was pretty close I think, but still above the trees .
Uitandu-ne si la fotografii nu putem deduce decat ca era un aparat de mici dimensiuni , probabil prototipul unui aparat de zbor neconventional   , comandat de la distanta.
Este interesant ca in toata aceasta ancheta nu s-a specificat ca ar fi vorba de un obiect de origine extraterestra . Impresia generala (atat a martorilor cat si a jurnalistului care a investigat cazul) e ca obiectul respectiv face parte dintr-un proiect militar secret , prin care se testeaza un aparat cu un sistem de propulsie necunoscut .
Interesanta este insa descrierea martorilor in ceea ce priveste modul de deplasare al obiectului ("It moves almost like an insect. If you have ever seen a bug on a pond, it is kind of like that. It is very smooth and slow most of the time, but then every now and then it will rotate very quickly and go very fast into another direction, then stop, and repeat the process all over again. There is just something very unnatural about the way it moves.") si sunetul pe care il producea obiectul respectiv , deoarece aceste caracteristici le-am intalnit si in cazul OZN-urilor. De altfel unul din martori , dupa incident a spus ca a avut dureri de cap , si se temea ca nu cumva sa nu fi fost iradiat (?).
Daca aparatul acela facea parte dintr-un proiect militar secret , intrebarea e ce cauta acolo ?
Un alt lucru curios . Martorul spune ca obiectul a trecut la mica distanta pe deasupra acoperisului si a disparut dupa niste copaci .In urmatoarea zi cand i-a intrebat pe vecinii din apropiere daca au vazut obiectul au spus ca nu.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:Poate e opera unuia dintre vecini (sigur japonez) ,  pasionat de aeromodele (sau cum s-o fi chemand) care a construit un aparat de zbor in garaj , si nu facea decat sa-si testeze capodopera . Parca il vad cu telecomanda in mana , bucurandu-se ca un copil de jucaria sa , in curtea din spatele casei  :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.
(Adam Smith)


Nu mi se pare sa fie de mici dimensiuni (sau foarte mic)... discul acela ar putea avea cel putin 2-3 metri in diametru.
Nu tot ce zboară şi este necunoscut este extraterestru.
All warfare is based on deception. -- Sun Tzu, 600 BC

All types of knowledge, ultimately mean self knowledge. -- Bruce Lee