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INCENDIAR: Masoneria demascata - Preotul Amfilohie spune adevarul!

Creat de Kbal, 08 August 2008, 00:06:09

« precedentul - următorul »

0 Membri şi 1 Vizitator vizualizează acest subiect.


Only the best is good enough ...


Only the best is good enough ...


foarte interesant totusi chestiile astea se stiau mai de mult..... :lol:


Doamne, ca usor mai 'pica' unii in capcane...tot pe pagina respectiva se gaseste un material despre "Secretul din spatele masoneriei"...dealtfel pus si la topicul "Originea Societatilor Secrete"...
Din pacate istoria se repeta si oamenii repeta aceleasi greseli...


În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.


Nu cumva, pe profesorul acela, il cheama M.J Weith? oare a ce-ti suna?pai iti spun eu, a evreu...stii ce face?parerea mea e ca se foloseste de niste informatii, ptra  influenta lumea sa accepte teoria lui..care vrea sa fie infailibila..amesteca adevarul cu dezinformare, rastalmaceste niste lucruri...asta e tactica LOR dintotdeauna, ca sa zpaceasca lumea..nu spun ca in unele nu spune adevarul...dar pur si simplu denatureaza pe fata...adica esti de acord ca "lucifer a fost primul fiu al lui D-zeu " iar Hristos al 2-lea ESTE INFRANT?pai sta e cea mai mare erezie...frate, deschide ochii si urechile..de unde stie el, un amarat de muritor ca Lucifer a fost fiul lui D-zeu? de ce nu explica asta ci spune oamenilor direct, ca si cum ar fi de la sine inteles asta? e adevarat, Lucifer a fost primul intre ingeri..dar intram intro discutie prea lunga...
"Un intelept daca nu poate face ceva constructiv mediteaza, un prost insa, arunca cu piatra" doamne, da-mi mereu puterea de a fi cu mintea lucida si a realiza cat sunt de limitat fata de tine.." Rebelfire


A, stai ca nu am spus esentialul...el citeaza si isi structureaza toata prezentarea pe ce? O sursa ma sonica!!! Crezi ca e o sursa obiectiva? Se vede clar in ce parte bate cu vechii zei..
"Un intelept daca nu poate face ceva constructiv mediteaza, un prost insa, arunca cu piatra" doamne, da-mi mereu puterea de a fi cu mintea lucida si a realiza cat sunt de limitat fata de tine.." Rebelfire


Numele lui este Walter Veith si nu....

Poti viziona mai multe subiecte pe acest site:


Ai acolo multa informatie, "agende secrete", "filiera islamica", "noua ordine mondiala", "agenda noii ere", "ONU si agenda oculta", etc...

Deasemenea citeste mai multe info. de aici :


poti descarca anumite documente... citeste, analizeaza, fa conexiuni, etc... si dupa iti poti da cu parerea... altfel...

Cu bine,
În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.


MISTO, ASTA NE MAI LIPSEA, AU APARUT SI KGB-ISTI PE FORUM!!!!!......intrebarea este ...cine sta in spatele tonelor de gunoi informational, aruncate pe forum, pentru a fuzzyfica ,incompetentii, nestiutorii, emotionalii, vizuali, auditivi si senzitivi la gramada,[guvizii] prin contagiunea disonantei cognitive, subtil si persuasiv indusa la o tema rasuflata.
.......ca, de ce? unde? cand? cum? si cu ce ultim rezultat?  ..stim!
                                                                       DIXIT EGO AVB



Pentru a doua oara, intr-o luna, site-ul "revelatia.ro" este "suspendat"...!!??

Puteti viziona una (Secretul din spatele soc. secrete) dintre 'lecturi' aici:


Mai multe info, aici:


În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.

Serban M

Ronin,imi pare rau ca o fac din nou insa simt nevoia sa te acuz de paranoia :-D


nu isi au scopul in dezinformare sub nicio forma!


Citeste tu cartile astea (13) si dupa 'aia' sa-mi spui care dintre ei (noi) sufera de paranoia...?!

"Teroristii Secreti" ai citit ??

Sau afirmatiile pe care le-au facut mari personalitati... unii au fost presedinti de state (US), istorici, scriitori, catolici-ex, ex-iezuiti, etc...

13 Carti rare despre Ordinul Iezuit:

1. The History of Romanism, .................................................11
John Dowling, 1845.
This historical account, written by a vibrant, Bible believing
Berean pastor of New York, is the greatest single history of
Romanism ever written. It is a must for the library of the man of
God in order that he may understand the past, the present, the
purpose and power of the Pope of Rome. There is also a thrilling
account of our hero Martin Luther, the father of the Reformation
and thus all religious and political liberty, making his immortal
confession before the Pope's wicked Cardinal at the Diet of
Worms while the nobles of the Holy Roman Empire watched in
awe. This book is impossible to put down!

2. History of the Jesuits,.....................................................685
G. B. Nicolini, 1854.
Written by a converted Roman Catholic Italian and Bible believer
having been raised amidst the Jesuits, Nicolini provides us with
the finest Italian history of the Order in existence. He admits of
the Company's quest to usurp the government of England (having
secretly fallen to the Sons of Loyola by 1800). For participating in
the Italian Revolution of 1848, during which the Jesuits used
Masonic Mazzini to drive Pope Pius IX from Rome as punishment
for expelling the Order from Rome and for proposing to limit his
absolute Temporal Power with a written Constitution for the
Italian people, Nicolini was exiled to England. From there he
wrote his masterpiece.

3. Popery, Puseyism and Jesuitism,.......................................1241
Luigi Desanctis, 1905.
As an Italian Roman Catholic priest, an Official Censor of the
Inquisition and thoroughly acquainted with a French Provincial
who was the Secretary for the Order, Desanctis was converted to
the Christ of the Bible. In a series of letters written in 1849, he
describes personal experiences including his imprisonment in the
cells of the Inquisition in Rome. His description of the murdered
within the underground dungeons of the Inquisition discovered by Supprreesseed Anttii--Jeesuiitt Doccumeentts 5
the Italians in 1849 are right out of Edgar Allen Poe's The Pit and
the Pendulum. The sufferers were buried up to their necks in dry
lime while others were enchained, walled up with bricks and left
to die. The absolute and universal power of the Company and his
discourses with the godly Waldensian are overpowering. Enjoy!

4. The Engineer Corps of Hell (in part),.................................1419
Edwin A. Sherman, 1883.
Sherman privately published his three part and spirited
masterpiece exposing the Jesuits as Lincoln's true assassins three
years before our hero, Charles Chiniquy, published his riveting
and immortal Fifty Years in the Church of Rome. This book is
virtually impossible to find, but was copied from microfilm for
you, dear truth-seeker. It serves as an introduction to the Order's
Secret Instructions of the Jesuits.

5. Secret Instructions of the Jesuits,......................................1465
W. C. Brownlee, 1857.
This eloquent and bold Bible believing Protestant Pastor
reprinted a copy of the Order's Secret Instructions delivered to
King George II for his warning. By these diabolical instructions
the man of God is able to discern the movements of the Order
within his own nation. Forever denied as valid and branded a
forgery by the Company, the Secret Instructions (called Secreta
Monita in Latin) will stand on its own merits as the most profound
expose' of the Society's inner workings and strategies throughout
the past four centuries. The text contains the original Latin with
its English translation.

6. The Black Pope,...........................................................1609
M. F. Cusack, the Nun of Kenmare, 1896.
This volume, quietly removed from nearly every library in the
world, contains the most important single description of the inner
workings and long-range goals of the Society of Jesus ever
published. Written by a Bible believing converted Roman
Catholic nun, the brilliant and penetrating Miss Cusack wrote
from England and was one of the literary pillars against the
Jesuit-controlled pontiff and Papacy of the Nineteenth Century.
In the sovereignty of the risen Son of God, I found The Black Pope
downstairs in the Philip Schaff Library of the Reformed
Lancaster Theological Seminary in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. It
was neither in the card catalog nor in the computer; but, while
searching the bookshelves the Lord caused my eyes to fall upon it.
Being made aware of its importance through the widow of our
hero, Alberto Rivera (who had been given a copy by Jesuit
General Pedro Arrupe), I read it and returned it to the library. I
then informed the clerk to consign the volume to the archives and
recommended that it never be allowed to be checked out again for
fear of its theft. Smugly, he asked me if I would steal it.
Meanwhile, I approached the head librarian, Mr. Berg, and asked
to make a copy using the copier in house. He refused stating that
the book was in no condition to be copied. I informed him that I
intended to reprint it, that it was the greatest expose' of the Jesuit
General ever written and that I would give the library newly
republished volumes. Still, he refused. Upset, I sought to speak
with the Seminary President, Mr. Schmiechen, informing him of
my offer, but to no avail. Later, I requested one of the librarians
to ask Mr. Berg if I could ever see the book again. I received my
most shocking answer a few weeks later. When I came back to
the library intending to copy one other book for this CD (Behind
the Dictators by Leo Lehmann), I was handed the following Memo
by a somewhat embarrassed and kindly woman tending the
reference desk. My library privileges were revoked and I may
never peruse those Reformed treasures downstairs ever again.
Hating defeat, I sought to speak with the President one more time;
but again, he was out of town. Little did these pro-Jesuit, Bible
rejecting, compromising bigots know that I had secretly copied
The Black Pope and give it to you now, my beloved friend. The
Memo has been scanned onto the following page for your review.

7. The Jesuits,..................................................................2013
Theodor Griesinger, 1903.
Typical of the German race, this work is the most detailed history
of the Jesuit Order ever written up to 1873. It was from
Griesinger that I learned (from page 805) of the possible Second
Thirty Years' War to be launched against Prince Bismarck's
Protestant German Empire having refused to accept the Jesuitauthored
infallibility of the Pope decreed in 1870. Do not forget
that his second edition of The Jesuits was published in 1873!
Further, the Order was expelled in 1872 from the entire Empire.
Payback time began in 1914 and ended in 1945 ending the Jesuit
General's Second Thirty Years' War as foreseen by the great
Theodor Griesinger.

8. The Footprints of the Jesuits,.........................................2851
R. W. Thompson, 1894.
Authored by an ex-Secretary of the American Navy, Thompson's
account is most thorough and the only American history of the
Society. Although a Freemason like Sherman, Thompson exposed
the conspiracies of the Sons of Loyola in Europe but never
contributed in revealing their bloodguilt throughout the Lincoln
Assassination. This work is one of the four necessary histories of
the Order, contained herein for the Bible believer to consult while
written from a patriotic, pro Constitution and pro Bill of Rights
position. His arguments are weighty and eloquent.

9. The Awful Disclosures of Maria Monk,.............................3363
Maria Monk, 1835.
What a shame! The tortures, rapes and murders that transpired
in 1835 are still occurring in 2001. Giving birth, strangling the
babies and throwing their dear bodies into the underground lime
pits was part of the national disgrace and tragedy called a
"convent" or a "nunnery" which are no more than prisons for
deceived, underfed and helpless women at the mercy of a celibate
priesthood! It was for these reasons that the Spanish Republic
closed them all down in the 1930s. A friend of an electrician in
Ohio knows of a convent with two lions in it! Could it be that they Supprreesseed Anttii--Jeesuiitt Doccumeentts 9
are fed the bodies of the innocents; as, lions eat the bones as well
as the flesh thereby eliminating all evidence of murder? Read and
weep my friend.

10. The Thrilling Mysteries of a Convent Revealed!....................3455
Mr. Peterson, 1835.
This work is a most fascinating account that keeps you
spellbound. The occult ritual of installing the Jesuit General for
the United States, including drinking fresh blood from a human
skull, the burning of the Bible and the trampling of the American
flag under foot, is enough to make any Bible believing Calvinist's
blood boil! Fear? Rather rage over these acts of blasphemy and
high treason as we reach for our Swords of Just Defense! The
account is found in Chapter IX.

11. The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret Plan of the Order,.............3555
Abbate M. Leone, 1848.
Next to The Black Pope, this is the most important book ever
written exposing the Jesuit plot for a world government under the
Pope of Jesuit making – a Jesuit pontiff. I found it on the
Internet, ordered it and when it arrived I discovered to my
surprise that IT HAD NEVER BEEN READ! Every fourth page
had to be gently cut apart in order to read the narration. Leone, a
nineteen year-old Jesuit Novice, overheard a secret meeting
headed by Jesuit General John Roothaan in the mid 1830s. With
his most trusted Provincials, the General listened to a series of
speeches outlining the Order's detailed and brilliant conspiracy to
control the Papacy, the Hierarchy, the Monarchs and thus every
government on earth! Thwarted for years, Leone finally
unleashed his information throughout Europe, and was widely
received resulting in the Order being formally driven from the
Continent by 1900. Learn the contents well my brethren. The
language is superb; the thinking is penetrating and polished while
their unabashed arrogance stinks to high heaven!

12. The Crisis: Or, the Enemies of America Unmasked,...............3877
J. Wayne Laurens, 1855. 10 Vaattiiccaan Assaassiins
What a book! This Bible believing, patriotic American exposes
the Jesuit conspiracy to overthrow the Protestant government and
people of George Washington's Federal Republic of the United
States. He also describes how British "Free Trade" (like the
NAFTA and GATT treaties ratified under the Jesuits' President
Bill Clinton during the 1990s) ruined our economies and created
poverty whenever adopted. Laurens tells of the necessity of using
gold and silver coins rather than worthless paper currency for
money, the importance of abolishing the national bank and thus
the national debt, and the necessity of a protective tariff if we are
to have an expanding economy, growing domestic manufacturers
and the happy wedding between capital and labor. He warns of
foreign influence, including the socialism espoused by Bible
rejecting foreign Roman Catholics landing daily on our shores.
Indeed, no Bible, no stable principles of economics, no White
Protestant Middle Class, no private property, no rights, no liberty
and the reversion back to the Papall Caeesarr''s Dark Ages including
the dungeons for us "heretics". This is truly a great book and
worthy of your critical evaluation brethren.

13. Romanism as a World Power,...........................................4185
Luther S. Kauffman, 1922.
Written by a Methodist preacher, this short volume is a clear and
concise description of Rome's quest to destroy Protestant America
and rule the world. It is great for teenagers in its simplicity and
thus easy to comprehend.

These thirteen books are extremely rare and difficult to find.
În timp ce toti oamenii accepta realitatea obiectelor, care sunt perceptibile simturilor lor, Socrate are o atitudine dispretuitoare fata de oamenii, care cred ca pentru a deveni reale lucrurile trebuie sa fie palpabile.


Citat din: antoniu din  08 Septembrie 2008, 18:06:03
MISTO, ASTA NE MAI LIPSEA, AU APARUT SI KGB-ISTI PE FORUM!!!!!......intrebarea este ...cine sta in spatele tonelor de gunoi informational, aruncate pe forum, pentru a fuzzyfica ,incompetentii, nestiutorii, emotionalii, vizuali, auditivi si senzitivi la gramada,[guvizii] prin contagiunea disonantei cognitive, subtil si persuasiv indusa la o tema rasuflata.
.......ca, de ce? unde? cand? cum? si cu ce ultim rezultat?  ..stim!
                                                                       DIXIT EGO AVB
Stai ca nu inteleg la cine te referi...esti f subiectiv, si categorisesti oamenii fara nici un temei...atata timp cat nu erespect, nu se poate vorbi..gunoi informational, poate fi in opinia ta...de unde stii ce si cum selecteaza Ronin sau eu sau altul..., nestiutori, emotionali,.tu esti atoatestiutor?cred ca suferi de suficienta si nu e bine..oamenii intelepti nu sunt asa...tema rasuflata? nu stiu la ce te referi, dar cred ca masoneria e o tema perpetuu actuala..de vreo..cel putin 300 de ani incoace..daca nu mult mai inainte...asa ca, nu mai baga fraze"pompoase" jignind inutil..vino tu cu ceva noutati...parerea mea e ca aici schimbam informatii unii cu altii,prezentand TEORII, si incercand sa construim ceva pozitiv adica invatam...nu asteptam sa vina "desteptii" si "atoatestiutorii" sa ne faca in toate felurile..sorry ptr offtopic
"Un intelept daca nu poate face ceva constructiv mediteaza, un prost insa, arunca cu piatra" doamne, da-mi mereu puterea de a fi cu mintea lucida si a realiza cat sunt de limitat fata de tine.." Rebelfire